Tuesday, 27 May 2014

The group goes on.... and why TSH is like the Richter Scale

Our meeting on 10th May went really well. When I get the time I will write up of some of the controversies discussed in Mr Lynne's talk and the Q&A session.  He talked for over an hour, was very open and shared a vast amount of information with us, we all learned a lot and it was a very enjoyable event.  He was a lovely man and brought along his equally lovely practice nurse, Patsy, we all really enjoyed meeting them both and are very grateful to them for giving up their Saturdays to support thyroid patients in London.

One of the biggest "wow" moments for me was learning that the TSH scale is logarithmic, like the richter scale, which would seem to explain why, for me, a seemingly tiny shift in TSH value = a massive difference in how I feel.

TSH log scale slide from Mr John Lynne's talk at the Royal Free, May 2014
I have now stood down as London Group Coordinator and would like to thank the remaining Team members who are commited to continuing.

What a relief that London will still have a support group for thyroid patients.

Upcoming events include a teddy bears picnic in Central London on the day of the London 10K run, on 13th July, which several group members, are running and the next Information Event is scheduled for 13th September.  Onwards!

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